Thread: kazaa too slow
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Old 25-06-02, 04:12 PM   #20
Guardian of the Maturation Chamber
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Oh BTW I am on dial-up and Speedup works great using my system!

Originally posted by spstn
But the worse off is people uploading from me. Before these speed tools became popular uploads speeds between 5-15 Kb were the norm. Now 1-2 Kb is the norm and every blue moon I see someone getting over 5 Kb. Another difference I noticed is that before I could download from people from Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand & France to name a few places. Now that's long gone, and I suspect that bandwith clogged with millions of frenetic requests for "more sources" have something to do with it.
I think you're partly right there. The problem is with people queueing hundreds or even 1000's of files using ADSL or other relatively high-speed, asynchronous connections; in combination with Speedup/KL+/FTA/MX clones. All these proggies ignore the internal traffic limits. This is often complained about on the KL forums, amongst others. I think another major reason for speed issues is with the exclusion of Musiccity OpenNap Servers with the great upgrade from 1.3.3 debacle/controversy. These post-1.3.3 clients, Grokster in particular, have seemed rather rushed & the biggest bug was with the huge number of aborted uploads. I don't know whether the latest G fixed this, but it seems to be getting better across the board. I think the Musiccity system was designed to interconnect the supernodes better, like master supernodes, which might be why you're having problems getting international connections.

These are some of my theories at least.
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