Thread: kazaa too slow
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Old 24-06-02, 10:39 PM   #16
No Nonsense Nonsense
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Miami
Posts: 382
GrinYes Still a No Go (...and happy go lucky...)

To SA_Dave:
Thank you for your recommendations. My posting was more of a "be careful" to others than an asking for help. Without speedup.exe my downloads are as fast as ever, rarely I lose a dld. in progress for lack of sources, and there's no other downside associated with the lack thereof.

Acting as a supernode can never be a problem if you get a real 90 % of the nominal throughput as I get as an average.

I used morpheusX, the clone that came with KL 1.60 & the last incarnation with 1.7.1. With small variations the download speeds went down and CPU usage up. I tried with only one slot for uploads, and cleaning up "completed", "aborted", etc. Even with all queues pristine clear the result was the same. The only improvement, and quite noticeable, came at the expense of quitting the speed tool each & every time.

And I point out to you again, that every time I highlite a dld. & press for "...more sources..." the program find more sources for ALL downloads. The reason for this is unbeknownst to me but I'm quite happy nonetheless.

I must confess that I tried the speed tools because of greed. I guess I'm cured now.

And don't despair about Harby paranoia: healthy paranoia brought us the truth about Watergate and Elvis being still alive .

To ssj4_android:
Thanks for the advice. I used Kl as a backup for AG. I guess I'm screwed Now. However Imesh is too quirk & idiosyncratic for my peace of mind.

To Harbynger:
Thanks for the "paranoia" (lol)

I guess if Einstein & Darwin had been fast friends, the theory of evolution would be enjoying more unquestioned acceptance across the board .

When you start a program & dld. speed is cut in half, & you quit it & speed goes back to normal, & you do it over 20 times, you are in front of a very solid empirical fact. You may not know the innards of why it happens, but still remains an undisputable fact.

It wasn't my intention to deride 56 k'rs. Quite the contrary, they are the majority in the net, I support everyone uploading no matter the speed, & I was just trying to show respectful sympathy for the situation they were in (That's why I carefully used the expression "worse off").

The only objective proof I've had of being a real supernode is the number of sources I was able to get, between a 50-100 % more sources with versions up to 1.60. I reached this conclusion by trying the same search switching between being a supernode or not.
With vs. 1.7.1 the max number of sources I've got was 480.

So you want to know about those almost mythical index files. I remember looking at the GoBack log & seeing KL creating files in Win/Temp & WINDOWS\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\ (any of the 4 cryptic named folders that hide the IE index.dat).

I never investigated the files because most of them are deleted at the end of the KL session (Although I could always retrieve them off the GoBack bin).

So you could look for them in there, although I suspect that KL may very well try to embed it inside index.dat in which case I wish good luck because index.dat is a tough nut to crack open .

Ps.: Could it be hidden disguised as a dummy download.dat in the download folder?

Last edited by spstn : 24-06-02 at 11:02 PM.
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