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Old 24-06-02, 12:37 PM   #4
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Brows Visiting the Pub, does wonders for WinMx

This morning I saw the invitation to try winMx 3.21, but as usual none of the mirrors had the right version, despite the WinMx site stating 321 was the latest...

So, I went to the pub for a cooling beer (well not really cooling, because us Brits don't like real numbing cold beer, like SOME countrymen do) but anyway I digress..

So coming back from the Pub, feeling I could not care really if there was a WinMx 3.29 even, I logged in, and of course you are all ahead of me now.... there it was WinMx 3.22, no NOT 3.21 but 3.22, so 3.21 never did get to grace my PC... Wonder what was wrong with it?

322 seems to be OK so far... time will tell, perhaps we should go back to a Beta version again, ready for the workup to 3.3?

Snark ...
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