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Old 24-06-02, 09:33 AM   #5
- a rascal -
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differences in 1.6
Not much. Basically extended searches.
The official take:

y not post UTC
heck! after all the trouble they got from Grokster Inc. after posting Damn's clean 1.5.1, I just didn't think they'd have it.

sig2dat links in Opera
The .ini edit makes sig2dat:// a recognised type of link for Opera. But...
I get 'more sources needed' permanently. Indy resolved the issue of space rendering in URLs, but Opera still renders all letter in URLs as lowercase, wheras FT hashes are a mix of upper & lower, and the system IS case-sensitive. So the client is looking for a file with a hash that doesn't exist.
So either I copy/paste text hash, or fire up IE for quick links.
So far (haven't really studied it) but Mozilla seems to work with Quick Links and doesn't alter the cases.

Y grokster instead of other FT client?
well, horses for courses I guess.

Kazaa has BDE Altnet Cloudload Cydoor etc. KazaaLite doesn't have them in the install, but then you have to take extra steps and be constantly vigilant that the malware isn't snuck back on somehow.

iMesh (trying the clean version) looks nice, seems quite configurable, turns up results... but doesn't find sources for me to download from! I'm sitting there with the files seeming permanently queued, whereas if I transfer to Grokster, source found in under a minute and d/l'ing it v. fast as I speak.

I have managed to dl something off iM once, a tiny song file I used just to test iM was really working; but for the files I really want, iM won't find sources before I run out of patience.
Your prompt response is requested.


Mark Weaver,
Director of Enforcement
MediaForce, Inc.
(212) 925-9997
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