Thread: kazaa too slow
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Old 22-06-02, 09:56 PM   #12
No Nonsense Nonsense
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Miami
Posts: 382
Default Speedup.exe: It's a No Go here

I stopped using speedup.exe altogether. I'm using an ADSL line and serving as a supernode. When I installed KL 1.7.1 I had 3 downloads going averaging 200 Kbs between them. After starting speedup.exe the speed was cut in half across the board. It wasn't the initial drop to start the search, it kept the speed down for more than 5 mins. When I stopped speedup.exe the downloads went up again to normal speed (roughly doubling it).

I tried several times, with different settings, and for about three days, and always the result was the same: the download speed went down and the cpu usage trhough the roof.

I now try "find more sources..." manually every 10 minutes or so, and just highlighting one download will refresh the search for "more sources" for ALL downloads. I don't know why just one refresh all but it happens time after time.

But the worse off is people uploading from me. Before these speed tools became popular uploads speeds between 5-15 Kb were the norm. Now 1-2 Kb is the norm and every blue moon I see someone getting over 5 Kb. Another difference I noticed is that before I could download from people from Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand & France to name a few places. Now that's long gone, and I suspect that bandwith clogged with millions of frenetic requests for "more sources" have something to do with it.

So those of you having no problems count your blessings, but someone whith dial-up and really sorry download speeds should consider turning speedup.exe off and see what happens.

Too much of a good thing can be bad. Or may be judicious & balanced use can't go hand to hand with the intrinsic nature of file sharing.
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