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Old 18-06-02, 12:57 PM   #10
Who's really in control here? Help me...
JohnDoe345's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 222

Ratio is good for users that share at home but can't share at work. It would keep them from not sharing at home while downloading everything they want at work. It would also be nice for users that complain about uploads slowing their downloads. With a ratio system they can do each one at a time and not get punished for it.

Although, I do not believe a ratio system by itself is a good system for the majority of users. For example, users sharing rare files won't get as may uploads as users sharing popular files. This would completely kill off the rare stuff There are other reasons too but you get the idea.

If you use ratios as a reward and not a requirement combined with other anti-leeching methods then it may work. I've mentioned something about this on Teclis's thread: I will develop a new Filesharing prog ....dated 16-18-02

mhh..I don't like the program! its edonkey like(client/server)!
If anyone has used the original edonkey you'll know that having servers is not the way to go. A serverless system is better if you have a large user base. Also, the pain about severs is getting users to volunteer to become one. Usually you don't get enough volunteers so the network suffers if the program gets really big and popular.
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