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Old 17-06-02, 10:45 AM   #4
Madame Comrade
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Originally posted by goldenrod
If I said it once, I'll say it again: THE RIAA SUCKS!!

I remember how during the earlier Napster days many Napster users tried to help the record industry and the proverbial starving artist with their ideas and suggestions for new business models in the era of p2p. There was talk about micropayments, tipping systems etc. linked to p2p software to compensate for 'lost' sales. Well not anymore.

It has become very clear ever since that the record industry does not want to adapt. Instead, they want to stick to the status quo and keep selling overpriced CDs as long and as much as they possibly can. They have no intention of giving up their teen star business with huge promotional costs and a whopping 1 % success rate. If it was up to them p2p would have never happened. If it was up to them p2p would have died when Napster died. If it was up to them the proverbial starving artist would keep starving forever.

Yep, goldenrod, right you are - they suck, big time.

- tg
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