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Old 17-06-02, 07:27 AM   #10
yea, it's me.
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Join Date: Jan 2002
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What I'm noticing is I cannot manually add a user to my hotlist, using the Hotlist's "Add User" option and expected it to work properly. Users added manually are always listed as Offline and messages are stuck in Sending mode.

The only way to add a user to my hostlist is if I add the user using right click "Add to Hotlist" while on the search screen.

Edited to add: Hotlisting issues pertain to OpenNap Servers.

Like in 3.1, I'm finding that if my dial-up ISP disconnects (which it will every 6 hours) AND after I reconnect again, I receive the following error just before Winmx 3.2 crashes:
WinMx has caused an error in WS2_32.dll. WinMX will now close.

Followed by: If you continue to have this problem try restarting your computer.
Afterwhich Winmx proceeds to shut itself down.

The only way I can avoid the crash is to pay very close attention to my time online and just before I reach the 6 hour mark, manually disconnect from the PNP network, reconnect to my ISP THEN reconnect to WPNP.

I've also noticed that while using 3.2, I'm seeing many users using 3.1 when I click on a user and "Whois" them. Perhaps this is a bug or on the more optimistic side, the two networks are actually connected. Anyone else notice this yet?

This all for now..........

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