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Old 17-06-02, 03:08 AM   #10
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Originally posted by Mazer
I've seen the 99% bug too. Last night some guy downloaded a song from me and then at 99% it said Connection Closed, and he kept trying to finish the file, at one point appearing in my queue twice. An inordinate ammount of the incomplete files that appear in every search say 99% as well. Reminds me of Napster Beta 4.
Wht has been noticed and commented on to winMx is the odd behavior on the upload screen, tha of file sizes being always 7 or 8 bytes more uploaded than the actual reported file size, not if this means the "OF" is too small and the actual is the correct size or something else is screwed, but the mysterious incomplete repeat and repeat does seem to happen when these two sizes DO NOT differ by 7 or 8 bytes...

It's OK I didn't understand what I wrote either, If you are running any of the WinMx 3 versions, check out your upload completes, turn of the auto-clear so you get a good list of completed files, check out the file sizes, and tell me if Im wrong or just going MAD.... Please!

Examples from here (last 3 only) 166 of 159 745 of 737 843 of 835... this seems to be a common factor, winMx have said NOTHING in three or four reports throughout the whole of the 31 beta series.

I know that does NOT answer the problem, but it defines it beter (maybe)

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