Thread: ultimate evil?
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Old 15-06-02, 08:25 PM   #8
butterfly_kisses's Avatar
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Default Re: Re: Re: Re: ultimate evil?

Originally posted by Scyth

I haven't given up. I did however, get a little dissapointed when, just as I had almost finished with 1.6, version 1.7 came out, and then once I had figured out v1.7, 1.7.1 came out. As a result, I decided to stop for a bit with the hope that Sharman will at some point stop releasing new versions for a while.
lol, i understand your frustration there, Scyth

i remember reading somewhere (i read lots of news articles

especially about kazaa and fasttrack) where this new "update"

release method (doing them more frequently) is a new strategy

for the company to keep interest high in the client by making

it seem like its constantly being augmented when

[opinion only] it seems most of the updates are new additions

by their third-party partners with new gimmicks to provide them

ad-revenues...[which is fine..just go easy or not at all on spyware

and they'd have much happier and possibly loyal userbase....still

remembering though that is the "content" that truly

matters not some blind devotion to a particuliar "brandname in



I'd settle for your work on any version...partiuliarly though

on the 1.70 as it allows for twice as many search results

which can be achieved by doing a normal search with 200 set

as the maximum search results returned....but

did u know....

that if you did the search again or pressed Search again after

doing your initial search it will contact a different or new

supernode and actually add to the results you already had


This then quadruples the search results in esscence giving

you 400 search results returned or whatever the maximum

number of results is (whichever number is highest)

ususally you won't exceed 400 . I personally have seen as

high as 343 results returned on a search...which i feel

is an excellent update to the still needs a better

instant messaging device where the windows does not disappear

after the message is sent...heck if they could somehow achieve

legality with the client they could set up a server to store

the offlinemessages much the way yahoo messenger does


I tell you there is still so much potential and possibility for this if they would just [i]hire
TankGirl as their

public relations person and use her ideas it would be a terrific


Hello, TankGirl
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