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Old 14-06-02, 03:01 AM   #14
OpenNap Server Operator
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Brows Good link JS

Thanks for the link Js.

Interesting that was done some while ago, would be more interesting if it were re-done to day with the newest Lame (3.92)

I think we have got past the hype of all these so called NEW coders, seems anything foisted on us by the "Big boys" is suspect, and possibly carries a threat to P-2-P on the if you cannot stop them sharing, make what they share rubbish, theme.

I was once said that the original restrictions with KaZaa to 128k was possibly something to do with an alternate agenda?

Coming back to a point raised earlier, the question of harmonics causing spectra to lie, when 128ks are re-coded, even this is easy to spot, as a pure original encode will have a steep cut off and a low noise floor above the cut off, any raggedness in the above cut off range noise floor level can show that the material was re-coded, Ok its not a total proof, as so many different encoders perform differently in the high frequency region, the original Xing encoder applied High frequency cut before encoding as a way to minimise "muddyness" it didn't work?

There are still loads of old encodes on the network, and will be for ages to come.

I really like TG's trusted idea, surely this is an ideal topic for Napsterite users ? We could perhaps start it off, at least guide others onto the right "trusted" path...

There must be many that read the open forums wihout being joiners, or posters, maybe the influence will spread,,

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