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Old 13-06-02, 03:27 PM   #5
Just Draggin' Along
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no file sharing = no need for high bandwidth. you’d think it’s obvious by now
Amen to that. They bite the hand that feeds.

It's interesting how they think they can sell you a fat pipe and then charge you more if you dare to actually use it.

In the background is the reality that the available bandwidth isn't limitless, and what is available is getting filled fast. High demand and limited availability usually means escalating prices - and new opportunities for innovation.

It's a hazard of the digital age - a technology that grows too fast to become stabilzed.
Copyright means the copy of the CD/DVD burned with no errors.

I will never spend a another dime on content that I can’t use the way I please. If I can’t copy it to my hard drive and play it using the devices I want, when and where I want, I won’t be buying it. Period. They can all take their DRM, broadcast flags, rootkits, and Compact Discs that aren’t really compact discs and shove them up their bottom-lines.
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