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Old 13-06-02, 12:16 PM   #1
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Brows WinMx 3.11 Beta 2 out..?

According to the flyer on my screen, 3.11 beta 2 is available..

What disturbs me is, for a second time The programmers seem to have altered the network configuration (or protocol) so that now running beta 2 with any copy of WinMx 3.xx means a serious case of NO INTERCONNECT, Ok I buy the fact that they are trying to optimise (tidy up) the protocol, but it would seem to take away one advantage of the many thousands of beta testers they have, that of compatibility.

the New WNP ntwork for beta 2 will be considerably smaller that the now established 3.1 network, this sure seems like a major glitch to me?

Of course there is the other aspect to consider, the one that goes, WHAT ARE THEY ADDING? What WE don't know about... another BDE in the making? I wonder.

They already know what beta version you are running as they are capable, and do, flash you when the next beta is available, all of which begins to smell a little sour..

Where is the profit in giving away software as complex as WinMx, there HAS to be a PAYBACK, I wonder in what form it will appear?

Yours, everso just a little suspicious... Snark..

TG, any comments?

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