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Old 13-06-02, 07:51 AM   #8
butterfly_kisses's Avatar
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Originally posted by TankGirl

Not really. If the forger converts a low-bitrate mp3 to WAV and then uses any popular encoder to make a higher bitrate mp3 out of this WAV, it will look like an original high-bitrate rip even if it sounds probably slightly worse than the original low-bitrate mp3 (due to the two extra conversions).

In practice you can sometimes spot fakes by having a look at an album that you have downloaded from somebody with EncSpot and seeing if the details of all tracks are similar. When collecting albums from open networks people may end up with an almost complete set of high-bitrate tracks and be tempted to 'upgrade' one or two lower bitrate tracks to make the set look nicer. These tracks often differ in some technical detail (ripping software, joint stereo, tagging etc) and suggest multiple sources instead of a single source original rip and a more thorough quality check is in place.

- tg
your wealth of knowledge always impresses me, TG i think it is ur mind that i love you for now and not ur body.

btw i don't know a lot about this stufrf (encoding and mp3's) but I am a little concerned with all the xtra sh!t that can be bundled with mp3's now...namely when i use real player to play a track and it tries to access my web connection...what is up with that?

is this just querying one of those databases to get the more info on the song like title and artist so that it will scroll that info while playing?

now tell me...should this practice be encourage/discouraged as doesn't this allow for some tracking of what you have on your pc (music wise) i've seen articles posted in the news about these companies particuliarly that one research firm that told about eminem's new album being available on people's harddrive's before it was sold in the stores....

how can we combat this "market research" firms? i'd rather not have a database queried surreptitiously in the background to give me title and track info...i know what it is...that's why i'm playing it

i smell conspiracies everywhere...but that doesn't mean that some of them aren't there.

cheers, tankgirl
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