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Old 12-06-02, 06:55 PM   #2
JackSpratts's Avatar
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my isp, s.n.e.t., has unlimited broadband for $39.99, but it has unlimited dial-up for $9.99. if they institute capping and i find my p2p experience substantially degraded, i'll just switch to dial-up and save the 30 bucks. so will millions of other users.

file sharing has been and continues to be the killer app for broadband providers. it’s the tail that wags the big pipe dogs. they've got another thing coming if they think their 60 billion dollar investment will get paid off by people who just want the latest flash or their emails uploaded faster.

no file sharing = no need for high bandwidth. you’d think it’s obvious by now.

someone smart will come along pronto and sign-up all those lost ex big-pipers and figure out a way to give them what they want and make a pile off them too. if att can't do it they can get out of the way and watch those monthly checks go to some other outfit that can.

- js.

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