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Old 12-06-02, 12:57 PM   #7
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 209

Yeah, that would work

Same as I know of some guys that go around with the media enforcer pro tools and send notes telling users they are the RIAA and to use better means of protecting ones self when pirating.

Kinda culture jamming of the anti copy groups own means.
There are a bunch of anti copyright policing tools. Enforcer is the most expensive requiring you buy plugins to acess extra networks like grokster.

There are a few tools out that also will send emails to an isp or capture a users ip. More people need to start sharing them and using them when you are bored, that way in time ppl will see how easy it is to patrol the networks and find out if they are breaking laws.

Then you need to contact the user and tell them how to share files in better ways that wont get them snagged so easily. Re naming files is one example.

Media Enforcer Loves You! See you at RIAA love fest 2002! (Bring BDSM gear.)
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