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Old 12-06-02, 12:50 PM   #6
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Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 58

Thanks for the lowdown, Jackspratts - I thought you'd know what was what.

Twinspan: It's a nice idea in principle, but as Jackspratts pointed out, it really all comes down to the ISP. As you know, most ISP's have numerous clauses that allow them to terminate a contract. If you don't comply with their instructions, they'll dump you whether your file is *really* Spiderman or not. After all, even if it was a dummy, you might be trading the real file tomorrow. Why should they take the risk? It's like our English police. They turn a blind eye to many things, from dope-smoking to "massage" parlours, but once a complaint is made by some busybody, they're legally bound to act.

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