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Old 12-06-02, 11:31 AM   #5
- a rascal -
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the guy shoulda just sent an e-mail back to MediaForce/Columbia saying that the file concerned was NOT material for which they own the copyright but just a black screen looped for 1 and a half hours.

Maybe fakes finally have a use: deniability in case of threats like these.

After all, surely it's not an infringement of copyright simply to have a file with spiderman in the name if it actually ain't spider-man the movie.

If everyone replies back with the challenge: prove it's not just a misnamed file! then the burden on f#kers like Media Force & Ranger just shot up out of sight.

e.g. compare time, bandwidth & labour for:

1. p2p search, connect to user, IP trace, e-mail threat, all by bot/crawler

2. p2p search, connect to user, DOWNLOAD the file and having an actual human being watch to verify the file is in fact what they suspect, then the IP trace & e-mail threat.

So remember, if you ever get one of these e-mails, tell all concerned it's actually NOT the material they think... hell tell them you're even helping them out, by hosting a fake so as to sabotage p2p sharing.

Can I be a BSA Junior Cub?

PS you don't have to keep files named in an incrminating way that makes it easy for bot-threats: after all FT & eDonkey use hashing. Name the file something totally unrelated. Other users can still download it (as the client will still pick it as a source for swarming, no matter what it's named).
And then the MediaEnforcers have no way BUT to go to all the trouble of d/l'ing & watching to be able to make some incriminating comments in their poncy e-mails.
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