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Old 11-06-02, 10:13 PM   #2
JackSpratts's Avatar
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we've had some members get similar notices. these letters have been going out now for over a year, as it's been recognised that the weakest link in a p2p is the isp. because of a provision of the dmca, if an isp removes the offending file as soon as it's been informed of the violation it will incur no penalty, but if it doesn't, the isp can be liable for hundreds of thousands of $ in fines. obviously this is a major incentive to get the user (you in this case) to dump the file. it's a fine line they walk however. the isps are more than aware that most high speed users pay the big bucks to the telcos and cable companies so they can trade files, and if the isps kick everyone off the net who's sharing then their high speed divisions'll go bankrupt. the riaa knows this too and knows they can push the isps only so far. if the telcos and cables wanted to they could get the dmca rewritten to exclude this special liability (like regular pots laws) and that's the last thing the mpaa wants. so the game gets played one file at a time with the mpaa hoping your experience scares the sh*t out of 10 other people and the isps hoping evryone else thinks they won't "get caught".

- js.
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