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Old 06-06-02, 11:44 AM   #4
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Brows De-Centralised CD factories?

Basically what Js suggested is the old idea of de-centralising the production of CD's, where the Music Stores make up your CD's to order, while you have that coffee, sticky bun and a chat in the cafe'

Lots of possiblities there, cuts out the distributors, all that is needed is ONE (and possible a spare) copy of each master, and millions of blanks, plus a bank of CD blowers...

So whats the difference? We have something similar already, only its called "Home Copying", OK maybe the artwork is not up to the same quality as the original, though it could be, why even the old Jewel case is going out in favour of the soft wallet or folded card container.

Seems to me the Music industry are missing out on a massive market here, set the instore price carefully, and who knows, many that now copy CD's from friends, or from the Net, might decide the effort is not really worth it, and go to their local megastor for a CD purchase, a meal, a chat even a discussion with like minded fans, makes the buying of CD's into a Social
occasion, saves money...

Now where are the catches?


JS's quote ..

now there's an understatement. a one click virus free d/l for entire cds, artwork and promo materials with a one click "make cd" option would be HUGE.
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