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Old 04-06-02, 09:37 AM   #10
butterfly_kisses's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 138

Originally posted by goldenrod

I did read his post Harby.........albeit at the end of a very long day of MSWord play but - Yes.....I read his post.

He dl'd a bunch of crap from someone's hd. Not just one song but several.........

Not believing someone would deliberately fill up there drive with crap AND have the audacity to share it, there must be some further explanation. Something in the malicious neighborbood immediately came to mind.

For the record:

No - I don't get high.
No - I'm not a bible thumping jesus freak.
No - I do not believe in nor dedicate my life to any religion.
Yes - we can discuss it over in hyperspace but I'm afraid I'm quite immune to conversions and you'd find me a waste of time.

lol, you handle yourself very well indeed my goldenrod

much love 2 ya

i feel no need to debate yuir beliefs with you however in the

interest of voyeurism and exhibitionism i think we should talk more about a few things such as racism i stayed out

of that Duvobis thread...purposely because i have strong

thoughts about that...and i do think its worth discussing...maybe

i will make a thread for it and or "us" to discuss such things there

i don't yet know what to call it...please remember that

a)i like you (God, help you, i do)

so please don't let anything i say be taken as an "attack" although my above remarks were probably a little harsh and i do apologise for those

perhaps i need to reread this post its quite possible i missed something

now let me clarify for anyone who is confused

i have much appreciation and affection for goldenrod i enjoy her posts

okay and i just want to talk more is all.

some 's for ya
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