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Old 04-06-02, 05:14 AM   #9
yea, it's me.
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Originally posted by Harbynger

GR r u smoking dope? and have u ever?

someone please make a post in hyperspace debating the

merits of pot smoking vs non-pot smoking

sorry GR that was not a i just found your reasoning

to be illogical its almost like u did not read this post

to thoroughly enuff to take in its true meaning

-Forum police




someday u and i will need to discuss ur religious beliefs too.

I did read his post Harby.........albeit at the end of a very long day of MSWord play but - Yes.....I read his post.

He dl'd a bunch of crap from someone's hd. Not just one song but several.........

Not believing someone would deliberately fill up there drive with crap AND have the audacity to share it, there must be some further explanation. Something in the malicious neighborbood immediately came to mind.

For the record:

No - I don't get high.
No - I'm not a bible thumping jesus freak.
No - I do not believe in nor dedicate my life to any religion.
Yes - we can discuss it over in hyperspace but I'm afraid I'm quite immune to conversions and you'd find me a waste of time.

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