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Old 03-06-02, 02:27 PM   #14
butterfly_kisses's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 138

Originally posted by jaan

i'm not sure i can help you there -- i haven't programmed the actual "down to the metal" bits of fasttrack stack. a couple of things you might try though to narrow the source: 1. do the connection attempts persist if you do file->disconnect first, 2. do they persist if you cancel all your pending downloads and uploads, and 3. are they actual TCP connection attempts or just UDP packets being sent?

- jaan
thats some interesting things i should look for...frankly i'm losing interest in the whole kazaa thing altogether...i've been quite disheartened here lately by all the flaming and or spamming going on in hyperspace and the other i don't know
if i will ever be able to rekindle enough interest to do any more proper research...although before losing interest i had

plans for another grand tutorial called the rosetta stone in which i show other programmers how to decipher some of the encryption used by kazaa...i hope that my desire for this returns but if it doesn't it was nice speaking to you and i wish you and all the others well in here.


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