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Old 03-06-02, 10:38 AM   #3
just one of the gang...
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Join Date: May 2001
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okay. i'll give my 2 cents about this band.
of course i consider them one of the great bands.
they were a mainstay in my high school years.
i made a post in Harby's thread "A Poem".
in it i explained about my "first love".
getting past him being an asshole, he took me to my first concert, which was VAN HALEN.
this was in St. Louis.
i believe it may have, then, been Keil Auditorium.
David Lee Roth was the lead singer at the time.
i must have been 16 years old.
the thing i remember the most were a pair of red leather pants, Mr. Roth wore that evening.
tight, of course.
flared, low in the waist.
but when he turned to swish his ass at the audience, i understood why he made a point of doing this.
for he had no "seat" to the back.
cheeks hanging out.
and boy could he "swish" it at ya.
i will admit i don't remember most of this concert, for this was back in the day of .
but i do remember that VAN HALEN was a big part of the memories i hold of that era in my life.
and i thank them.

heres to VAN HALEN
"rock on, all"

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