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Old 01-06-02, 08:53 AM   #3
butterfly_kisses's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 138

I really like the idea of using those to e-mail addys - Excellent idea!

Funny how K and G have updated @ nearly the same time, eh?

Any additional surprises in Grokie I should know about?

I've uninstalled all FT clients due to this itchy, irritating rash I developed using them. Due to certain difficulties finding a few hard-to-get music tracks, I may have to resort to reinstalling sometime soon.

Hopefully AGalaxy or AGnome will come through for me first before resorting to such desperate measures
i'm not sure where to begin so i'm just gonna pick a place.

at the moment i cannot recommend or endorse any fasttrack

client even kazaa lite 1.71. there is just too much that

is not known about the behind-the-scenes workings of

kazaa et al (example...did you know one of their "business partners is time-warner cable through associations with

brilliant digital entertainment?) and i think if i remember correctly

that Timewarner cable and a few other companies (i believe AOL which is now a part of timewarner) was also involved on the deal

to have their own version of mp3's available for download in

something called Pressplay which if i'm not mistaken has

failed. Now that raises a question how can kazaa be in partnership
with people who are suing them through the legal system in

an effort to stop them...i've also read all about the privacy policy

for bde (brilliant digital) it says they have ways of tracking copyrighted material.

This is 100% true. I can't go into details right now but if you use

fasttrack you are at risk for future penalties that might be imposed

as a result of Digital Millineum Copyright Act or DMCA for short.

I've been working with the gift project to a certain extent and

i've determined that it WILL FAIL (i might post my thoughts on

this at a later time...not now)

anyways i do have a very sneaking suspicion that AYB and

Indiana's client is almost ready for a public release [b]This is my

opinion will be the next big thing in the world of p2p.

My own client has failed and is no longer in the works.

thanks for listening,

- harbynger
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