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Old 01-06-02, 08:39 AM   #12
butterfly_kisses's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 138

Isn't this just Kazaa trying to connect to users behind a firewall (and thus using a non-1214 port)? I always assumed it was that, since the IPs resolve mostly to private cable IPs, not addresses.
merijn, this might be all it is...however i would like to hear jaan's thoughts on this.

here is another thing to try...while you are connected to kazaa either with or without downloading of having anything paused (like an incomplete download)

connect to the internet (without doing a search or downloading)
now disconnect from the internet (if you are on cable or dsl i'm not sure how you'd do this maybe unplug the rj-45 from your NiC?) anyways i use dial-up networking so all i have to do is click disconnect then i start get a rash (two or three) irregular port calls by kazaa.

happens almost everytime i do this until i block the approximate 3 to 6 ip's that it tries to connect to.

I've notice similiarities with these exact same ip's showing up in older versions (1.51 and up)

it might be interesting for other users to post the ip's that are connected or that are attempted to connect to by kazaa when you disconnect from the internet in the manner above just to see if its standard among all users and not just some anomally i am experiencing myself.

If anyone notices or has other ip addresses and or irregular port calls please post them to this thread,,,,maybe we can look for similiarities and find our wheher or not there is something "sneaky" going on here or not.
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