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Old 31-05-02, 07:42 PM   #2
yea, it's me.
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Njah Njah Re: The Newspaper Shop -- Friday edition

Originally posted by walktalker
I dedicate this paper to a special Napsterite
Study: Net's software outlaws are thriving
Chances are, you're a software scofflaw. The Business Software Alliance, a trade group that represents the major software makers, says that more than half of all Web users have downloaded software they have not paid for. In a study of 1,026 Web users released Wednesday, the group found that 57 percent of respondents never or seldom pay for copyrighted works they download. And 12 percent admitted to pirating software.

Online film piracy cuts into industry profit
The release of the summer's first blockbuster movies has sparked an unprecedented frenzy of film piracy, sending nearly 10 million people online to download bootleg copies of "Spider-Man'' or "Star Wars: Episode II -- Attack of the Clones.'' Even as box-office sales soar -- with the top 12 movies grossing a record $193 million over the four-day Memorial Day weekend -- Internet film piracy is growing even faster, according to a new report from Viant, a Boston-based researcher specializing in digital entertainment. As many as 400,000 to 600,000 illicit copies of films are downloaded every day -- a 20 percent increase over a year ago.

Of course, none of us would be considered thieves, pirates or outlaws now would we?

<-------Sticks and stones may break our bones but names will never hurt us.


Oh, what's the meaning to take the risk to make anyone jealous or felling forgotten ? Therefore, I decide to dedicate that paper to EVERY napsterites, with no border of gender, sexual orientation, religion and the like (yup, that includes TankGirl, Sixxgunns and CornFlakeBoyee, I really said every Napsterites).

I love you all !!!
Awe - such a sweetie you are
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