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Old 29-05-02, 09:42 AM   #13
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Posts: 39

Originally posted by Wanker
By closing source security you get is pseudo security, it is still possible to do all the same things that can be done with open source, except it takes a bit more time.
well, time is all you need, really. if it takes a lot of time to reverse-engineer the closed source product and distribute the hack, then the hack won't get very far, because the original product can be updated to block out the hack.

Another point is that Gnutella is open source and there is nothing majorly wrong with the system
true, gnutella is an example of a very robust network that is hard to sabotage (because it is effectively composed of fairly independent subnets). however, every performance enhancement (such as ultrapeers) will decrease its robustness factor. hence my point that it is difficult to rival closed source nets performance-wise.

- jaan
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