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Old 27-05-02, 07:31 PM   #5
JackSpratts's Avatar
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outside of some unforseen conflict w/one of your many installed business apps, i don't see anything you've done wrong in your installs. early versions (pre-may 2001) of morpheus did have problems with one-off searching but that'd been resolved for a year. i can't speak for sure about the versions you installed as i always run the "factory versions" and then clean them out by hand, but people do use the lite versions by the thousands with rave reviews.

it sounds like you're dropping the node after every search, which you then pick back up at reconnect but i'm really guessing here. jaan might know this one maybe, maybe not. i'll tell you what i'd do if i had the time; i'd uninstall everthing fasttrack (again - i know, i know). then i'd put in grokster from the site. using my instructions and the updated 5.81+ version of ad-aware i'd install, clean and run it. i put one in a few weeks ago and it works fine (haven't done one more recently tho). there may be a new bit of spyware in there that doesn't like getting yanked but i haven't heard of it.

- js.
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