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Old 26-05-02, 01:08 AM   #8
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Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 9

It sonds like a good idea, but when you think technically that ain't that great anymore.
Here is why: the system is not central server based, but peer-to-peer, so searching is done actually by the set of peers called supernodes. Every search uses network resources: CPU power of the supernodes and bandwdith. While CPU is not a problem as desktop computers are as powerful as servers these days, bandwidth is a major problem as regular home user has something like 256Kbit cable, while servers can have hundreds of Mbits bandwidth.
If you use some common sense, lets say when using Kazaa average user would do 10 searches a day, then when using automated searching this number would be 10-100 times higher. This means that bandwidth used will be 10-100 times higher and home users can't certainly sustain that and whole network will collapse.
Same is the problem in Gnutella network, that is why early version of Xolox was banned by other clients. And best example is Edonkey where Edonkey bot fucked up the network royally so they had to pull it.
Bottom line is that as the network is shared and resources are limited which means that every additional resource you use is taken away from other users. So, don't be selfish and be a responsible p2p citizen
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