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Old 25-05-02, 05:10 PM   #6
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Default Re: Search List for Kazaa - consecutive autosearch of rare files

Originally posted by Yaroslav1979
Hi everybody who uses FastTrack network!

It is very cool that somebody cracks Kazaa and tries to improve it.
I wrote many emails to kazaa support with ideas how to make it much better,
but of course they don't even read it.
The idea is the following.
I am (like many people) a fond of a kind of rare music which does sometimes exist in
FastTrack network, but to find it, one has to repeatedly search for it many,many
times 24 hours a day, to finally succeed.
I believe it is very easy to develop a program which reads a file with my
keywords to find, then puts text into search field, presses search button,
waits for the 'disabling' message for stop button (which indicates that the
search is finished), then selects all results and presses download button! and then continues with the next search item.
It is that easy but I have never written Win32 software.

Please think of this GREAT idea!
I believe that millions of people will be happy to have such intelligent
tool, which allows to find hundreds of extremely rare files over one night!
well, it's not quite as sophisticated as all that,Yaroslav1979, but for relentless FastTrack searches, you may wanna try this
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