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Old 24-05-02, 02:34 PM   #20
Who's really in control here? Help me...
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Join Date: Jan 2002
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Originally posted by TankGirl

I remember well my own first Napster experiences. I had no shared files to begin with (gush I hardly knew what an mp3 file is! ) and like so many others I was just giving a try to this new exciting software that promised to deliver digital music for free. Should I have faced a hostile environment where my leeching would have been strictly rejected I might not be here today writing so enthusiasticly about p2p. But I encountered sharing and friendliness instead and my own willingness to share grew naturally from my gratitude to all these nice people that were giving me good music with no strings attached.
I had pretty much the same experience during my Napster days. The whole technology and idea was new to me and I also barely knew what an mp3 was too. As I learned more about this new technology I realized that the performance of the entire network greatly depends on the consumers also giving back to the network. The more that is given back the more there is to consume. P2p programs have a unique situation where the consumers are also the providers all rolled into one and there's a direct and strong relationship between the two.

I soon realized that p2p programs are more like a community rather then a commercialized product that most consumers are normally use to. If the community goes under we only have ourselves to blame because we are pretty much running the show. Of course, there are outside forces that play a role but we the users have the most direct impact on how the network performs and how much better or worse it can be. The network is only as good as the people that run it.

Originally posted by TankGirl

I think I'll leave the world for others to control and settle for just being the mistress of the Forum Dungeon.... thanks anyway!
Aaahhhh, and I was so looking forward to world peace among other things
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