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Old 24-05-02, 01:46 PM   #19
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Brows Re: Re: Well said TG

[quote]Originally posted by TankGirl

yes, leeches are still a problem on WinMX, especially on WPN (OpenNap servers are much better in this respect). They are not a fatal problem as the network is well alive and kicking but they contribute to the long queues by stealing bandwidth from the sharing users.

Leech control needs to be intelligent and reliable, otherwise it will easily harm the network instead of benefiting .

Totally agree with that hypothesis Tg, your quick sketch was indeed not quick, in fact it, with your second thoughts was quite some read....?

Thanks for your thoughts on the subject, I needed to save it away so my slowing thought processes can digest it in full off line.

I would like more info if you are able on the crashes you experienced with WinMx 3.1, noted that you are not using Win98 SE so perhaps it does not relate to me, I must say that since installing the 3.1 full version, I have had NON of the occasional crashes I got with the Beta versions.

Even the bug in sorting the search lists seems to be cured, though why it took them so long to sort it I cannot imagine, even in the last beta version it was still there.

Makes you wonder if they deliberately put in little bugs in beta's to test the testers? or to make sure everyone WILL upgrade in the end, who knows?

So far 3.1 seems very stable,Ok it still fights with windows for memory and eventually after a few hours, slows to a crawl without the use of a memory watcher. (MW4.1 MatrixSoftware)

Then of course there is the non functioning PLAY command when you try to play files on the up/download screens, you need to use OPEN to acheive this.

Despite all the reports of bandwidh control not working, I find it does, but its effect is not obvious unless your are trying to control a number of high speed uploaders from taking all the resources away from 56k users, the uploader needs to be able to upload at 2-3k or better, before you can apply a boost to them, and a percentage cut to the faster uploader, its no use trying to boost an uploader that barely reaches 1k, that situation dropping the higher speed uploader down to 10% does not good at all, for every downgrade of speed, you need an upgrade to balance your upload maximum settings I other words if the total upload bandwidth is NOT being utilised, the faster ones will still grab more.

(I think) I added that because the action is somewhat unpredictable, but it does function, though not instantly after setting, as the buffered frames need to be sent first.

End of waffle.... Snark..

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