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Old 23-05-02, 02:47 PM   #1
butterfly_kisses's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 138
Exclamation Look what's hidden in the javascript on the CURRENT kazaa homepage

below is the contents of shared.js which is downloaded and executed by your webrowser (if your security settings for the kazaa homepage do not prohibit this from happening)

var isKazaa = false;

if(location.href.indexOf("desktop") != -1) {
isKazaa = true;

Search & Download Code

var sDownloadKMDLink = "";

function getDownload(sLocation) {
location.href= sLocation;

function doSearch() {
var sQuery = document.p2pSearch.query.value;
var sURL = "http://localhost/KazaaSearchQuery?query=" + sQuery + "&Submit=Search+Now&type=everything";
location.href = sURL;

Top Navigation bar alternates

function renderSearcher() {
document.write('<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">');
document.write('<form id="p2pSearch" action="http://localhost/KazaaSearchQuery" method="get" name="p2pSearch"><tr>');
document.write('<td align="left" valign="bottom" width="33"><img src="/en/assets/searchpanel/searchPanel_tl.gif" alt="" height="13" width="33" border="0"></td>');
document.write('<td colspan="3" align="left" valign="bottom">Search for:</td>');
document.write('<td rowspan="3" align="center" valign="middle">&nbsp;<a href="javascript:doSearch();"><img src="/en/assets/160assets/searchpanel/searchpanel_r2_c4.gif" border="0" height="27" width="21"></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>');
document.write('<td rowspan="3" align="center" valign="middle"><a href="http://localhost/KazaaSearch">Power<br>Search</a></td></tr>');
document.write('<tr><td rowspan="2" align="left" valign="top" width="33"><img src="/en/assets/searchpanel/searchPanel_bl.gif" alt="" height="39" width="33" border="0"></td>');
document.write('<td rowspan="2" valign="top" width="13"><img src="/en/assets/searchpanel/searchPanel_bl2.gif" alt="" height="39" width="13" border="0"></td>');
document.write('<td align="center" valign="middle" background="/en/assets/searchpanel/searchPanel_bg.gif">&nbsp;<input id="query" class="kinput" type="text" name="query" size="36"></td>');
document.write('<td align="left" valign="middle"><img src="/en/assets/searchpanel/searchPanel_r.gif" alt="" height="30" width="10" border="0"></td></tr>');
document.write('<tr><td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td></tr></form></table>');

function renderMicroAds() {
document.write('<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6">');
document.write('<td><a href="' + sDownloadKMDLink + '"><img border="0" src="/en/houseads/download_kmd.gif" width="88" height="31"></a></td>');

function renderHouseAd() {
var houseRandom = Math.random();
var houseAdImage;
var houseAdLink;

if (houseRandom < 0.33) {
houseAdImage = "/en/houseads/kmd161_languages.gif";
houseAdLink = "/en/aboutkmd.htm";
} else {
houseAdImage = "/en/houseads/kmd17_searchmore.gif";
houseAdLink = "/en/aboutkmd.htm";

document.write('<a href="' + houseAdLink + '"><img src="' + houseAdImage + '" width="160" height="390" border="0"></a>');

Skyscraper Code

var state = 0;
var DPVERtest = "";
var install_only = 0;
var banner;

function OnMovieInstallEnd()
if(state == 1)
document.cookie = banner + "=2; path=/; expires=Friday, 01 Jan 2038 00:00:00 GMT";
var adcode = banner;
var pcode = "kazaa";
var sitecode =;
var statimg = new Image();
statimg.src = ""+adcode+"&site="+sitecode+"&pcode="+pcode+"&stat e=05";

function OnMovieStart()
if(++state >= 6)
document.cookie = banner + "=; path=/; expires=Tuesday, 01 Jan 1980 00:00:00 GMT";
document.cookie = banner + "=" + state + "; path=/; expires=Friday, 01 Jan 2038 00:00:00 GMT";

function renderSkyScraper()
var loadmovie = 0;
var playmovie = 0;
var index;
if((index = document.cookie.indexOf("casinosky=")) >= 0)
banner = "casinosky";
loadmovie = 1;
if((state = parseInt(document.cookie.charAt(index + 10))) == 1)
install_only = 1;
play_movie = 1;
else if((index = document.cookie.indexOf("fortunesky=")) >= 0)
banner = "fortunesky";
loadmovie = 1;
if((state = parseInt(document.cookie.charAt(index + 11))) == 1)
install_only = 1;
play_movie = 1;
else if(CookieArray["option"] == "1" || Math.random() < 0.03)
banner = "casinosky";
document.write('<' + 'DIV STYLE="display:none">' + '<' + 'OBJECT TYPE="application/x-oleobject" ID="b3dPlayer1test" WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=1 CLASSID="CLSID:51958169-D5E3-11D1-AA42-0000E842E40A" CODEBASE="#version=3,0,26,0"><' + '/OBJECT>' + '<' + '/DIV>\n');
document.write("<" + "SCRIPT LANGUAGE=VBScript>\n" + "on error resume next\n" + "DPVERtest = b3dPlayer1test.GetVersion()\n" + "<" + "/SCRIPT>\n");
if(DPVERtest != "")
loadmovie = 1;
install_only = 1;
state = 1;
document.cookie = "casinosky=" + state + "; path=/; expires=Friday, 01 Jan 2038 00:00:00 GMT";
else if(CookieArray["option"] == "2" || Math.random() < 0.04)
banner = "fortunesky";
document.write('<' + 'DIV STYLE="display:none">' + '<' + 'OBJECT TYPE="application/x-oleobject" ID="b3dPlayer1test" WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=1 CLASSID="CLSID:51958169-D5E3-11D1-AA42-0000E842E40A" CODEBASE="#version=3,0,26,0"><' + '/OBJECT>' + '<' + '/DIV>\n');
document.write("<" + "SCRIPT LANGUAGE=VBScript>\n" + "on error resume next\n" + "DPVERtest = b3dPlayer1test.GetVersion()\n" + "<" + "/SCRIPT>\n");
if(DPVERtest != "")
loadmovie = 1;
install_only = 1;
state = 1;
document.cookie = "fortunesky=" + state + "; path=/; expires=Friday, 01 Jan 2038 00:00:00 GMT";
if(loadmovie == 1 && banner == "casinosky")
document.write('<' + 'script src=""><' + '/script>\n');
else if(loadmovie == 1 && banner == "fortunesky")
document.write('<' + 'script src=""><' + '/script>\n');

function GetCookies()
CookieArray = new Array();
var cookies = unescape(document.cookie);
var index1 = 0;
var index2;
var name;
var value;
while((index2 = cookies.indexOf("=", index1)) != -1)
name = cookies.substring(index1, index2);
index1 = index2 + 1;
index2 = cookies.indexOf(";", index1);
if(index2 == -1 || index2 == "")
index2 = cookies.length;
value = cookies.substring(index1, index2);
CookieArray[name] = value;
if(index2 < cookies.length && cookies.charAt(index2) == ";" && cookies.length > index2 + 2 && cookies.charAt(index2 + 1) == " ")
index1 = index2 + 2;


Query String Code

function GetQueryString() {
QueryStringArray = new Array();
var query = unescape(;
var index1 = 0;
var index2;
var name;
var value;
while((index2 = query.indexOf("=", index1)) != -1) {
name = query.substring(index1, index2);
index1 = index2 + 1;
index2 = query.indexOf("&", index1);
if(index2 == -1 || index2 == "") {
index2 = query.length;
value = query.substring(index1, index2);
QueryStringArray[name] = value;
if(index2 < query.length && query.charAt(index2) == "&" && query.length > index2 + 1) {
index1 = index2 + 1;
} else {



if(typeof(QueryStringArray["ver"]) != "undefined") {
document.cookie = "ver=" + QueryStringArray["ver"] + "; path=/; expires=Friday, 01 Jan 2038 00:00:00 GMT";

Display Counter Code

base = initial number
increment = amount to increment
rate = how often to increment (in milliseconds)
style = font attributes in standard pairs (see example below)
range = the range to flucuate
baseChanging = the initial number for the changing function
rateChanging = the initial number for the changing function
negative = whether to flucuate up and down

var iDownloadsLastWeek = 3452837;
var iUsersOnline = 956873;
var gBase = getInit(79582459,"May 20, 2002",493262) ;
var gIncrement = 1;
var gRate = 10000;
var gStyle ="color='red'";
var gRange ="50";
var gBaseChanging = getRandom(420000,550000);
var gRateChanging = "10000";
var gNegative =1;

function getValueFrom(v,s,n) {
var a = v.split(s), i, l;
for (i in a) {
if (a[i].indexOf(n) != -1) {
return a[i].slice(a[i].indexOf("=")+1);
return "";

function toInt(number) {
var sNumber = number.toString();
var iPos = sNumber.indexOf(".");
var sInt = 0;
if(iPos == -1)
sInt= sNumber;
sInt= sNumber.slice(0,iPos);
return new Number(sInt);

function getRandom(min, max) {
if(min > max)
return 0;
var iDiff = max-min;
return toInt( (Math.random() * iDiff) + min);

function getInit(init, datefrom, rate) {
//rate is per day
var dNow = new Date();
var iFrom = Date.parse(datefrom);
var iNow = Date.parse(dNow);
var iElapsed = iNow - iFrom;
var milliperday = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
if(iElapsed < 0)
return init;
return toInt(init + ( (iElapsed/ milliperday) * rate));

function numberString(number) {
var sNumber = "";
var sTemp = "";
while(number > 0) {
mod = number % 1000;
number = toInt(number/1000);
if(number > 0) {
if(mod == 0)
sNumber = "000" + sNumber;
else if(mod < 10)
sNumber = "00" + mod + sNumber;
else if (mod < 100)
sNumber = "0" + mod + sNumber;
sNumber = mod + sNumber;
sNumber = "," + sNumber;
} else {
sNumber = mod + sNumber;
return sNumber;

function displayCounter(base, increment, rate, style) {
if(displayCounter.arguments.length == 0) {
base = gBase;
increment = gIncrement;
rate = gRate;
style = gStyle;
var newBase = base + increment;
var reg = new RegExp("\"", "g");
style = style.replace(reg,"'");
if(parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4 && navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") {
if(typeof(counterDiv) == 'undefined') {
document.write("<span id='counterDiv' name='counterDiv'>");
document.write("<font " + style + ">" + numberString(newBase) + "</font>");
} else {
counterDiv.innerHTML = "<font " + style + ">" + numberString(newBase) + "</font>";

if(navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 4") == -1 && increment != 0 && rate != 0)
setTimeout("displayCounter(" + newBase + "," + increment + "," + rate + ",\"" + style + "\");", rate);
} else {
document.write("<font " + style + ">" + numberString(newBase) + "</font>");

function displayChanging(base, range, rate, style, negative) {
if(displayChanging.arguments.length == 0) {
base = gBaseChanging;
rate = gRateChanging;
style = gStyle;
range = gRange;
negative = gNegative;
// retrieve cookie
var iCookieVal = toInt(getValueFrom(document.cookie, ";", "gBaseChanging"));
if(iCookieVal != "")
base = iCookieVal;
var newBase = 0;
var iNum = toInt(Math.random() * range);
if(Math.random() > 0.5)
iNum = iNum * -1;
newBase = base + iNum;
// save the new value
document.cookie = "gBaseChanging=" + newBase + "; path=/;expires=Tue, 31 Dec 2038 23:59:59 UTC;";
var reg = new RegExp("\"", "g");
var IE4 = (document.all);
style = style.replace(reg,"'");
if(IE4) {
if(typeof(changeDiv) == 'undefined') {
document.write("<span id='changeDiv' name='changeDiv'>");
document.write("<font " + style + ">" + numberString(newBase) + "</font>");
if(rate != 0)
setTimeout("displayChanging(" + newBase + "," + range + "," + rate + ",\"" + style + "\");", rate);
} else {
changeDiv.innerHTML = "<font " + style + ">" + numberString(newBase) + "</font>";
if(rate != 0)
setTimeout("displayChanging(" + newBase + "," + range + "," + rate + ",\"" + style + "\");", rate);
} else {
document.write("<font " + style + ">" + numberString(newBase) + "</font>");

function displayLastWeek() {
var style = gStyle;
document.write("<font " + style + ">" + numberString(iDownloadsLastWeek) + "</font>");

function displayUsersOnline() {
var style = gStyle;
if(document.URL.indexOf("desktop") == -1)
document.write("<font " + style + "> | Online Now:<b> " + numberString(iUsersOnline) + "</b></font>");


Adserve Popup Code
var WINPARMS="width=1,height=1,left=10000,top=10000";var RANDOM=Math.floor(Math.random()*30000);
var PDelay=1*60*60*1000; var RDelay=24*60*60*1000; var MaxPop=2;
function WCook(name,value,expires){var expDate=new Date();expDate.setTime(expDate.getTime()+expires);document.c ookie=name+"="+value+"; expires="+expDate.toGMTString()+"; path=/";};
function GCook(name){var dc = document.cookie;var p=name+"=";var begin=dc.indexOf(p);if (begin==-1) return "";var end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", begin);if (end == -1) end = dc.length;return unescape(dc.substring(begin + p.length, end));};
function SetUnique(){var tDate=new Date();WCook("kzpoptime",tDate.getTime(),RDelay)};
function SetPopCount(count){WCook("kzcount",count,RDelay)};
function PopIt(){"",RANDOM,WINPARMS);};
function CheckPop(){var tDate=new Date();if (GCook("kzpoptime")*1+RDelay<tDate.getTime())return 1;if (GCook("kzpoptime")*1+PDelay>=tDate.getTime())return 2;if (GCook("kzcount")*1<MaxPop)return 3;return 0;};
function DoIt(){cp=CheckPop();if (cp==1){SetUnique();SetPopCount(1);PopIt()};if(cp==3){SetPop Count(GCook("kzcount")*1+1);PopIt();};ReStartIt(PDelay)};
function CheckCookies(){WCook("t","1",RDelay);if (GCook("t")!=1) return 0;return 1;};
function CheckIt(){if (((window.screenLeft<0) && (window.screenTop<0)) || ((window.screenLeft>2000) && (window.screenTop>2000))) DoIt(); else ReStartIt(5000);};
function ReStartIt(sleep){window.setTimeout("CheckIt()",sleep);};
function StartIt(){if (CheckCookies()==1) ReStartIt(5000);};
privacy policy has been changed.....this just shows more of their deceptiveness some of what is said there is an outright lie...for instance the script above.
butterfly_kisses is offline   Reply With Quote