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Old 23-05-02, 12:52 PM   #19
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Originally posted by Ethen
But what I would like to hear from someone who works behind the scenes is the direction you want p2p to take in the future
hehe, where should i start... oh yeah, i should start from the fact that i have a bunch of papers in my drawer preventing me from saying pretty much anything specific publicly...

but in general, i think in the coming year we'll be seeing new technology coming out (if not from FT then from its competotors) that'll improve upon the current bunch of p2p apps by greater margin than the FT clients did upon napster. call it 3rd generation filesharing technology if you like.

i can also see the whole p2p concept widening, and becoming even more mainstream and business-oriented than it is now. so eventually there would be communities of people and machines connected together in p2p fashion to address much wider set of problems than just finding media files.

also - although don't quote me on this - my personal belief is that soon enough we'll be seeing a trickle of authors, record labels, etc. seeing the benefits of p2p techology, and starting to jump ship, thus greatly undermining the current confrontation between "copyright holders" and p2p companies/users (ie the rest of the planet).

Like fast tracks multi windowed client they spoke of on the fast track web site as being up and coming soon. What innovations would it have brought? Lastly what did happen to it or the idea of it?
it pretty much got axed, because the new owners of kazaa chose the path of developing incremental updates and releasing them more often. i think that was a good decision, actually -- just see what happened to netscape.

- jaan
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