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Old 23-05-02, 02:48 AM   #18
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 209


Thanks for the reply. Although i am not a KaZaA fluffer like some, I am sure we could all post at length about the things we like about kazaa or the things we hate. Boring.

But what I would like to hear from someone who works behind the scenes is the direction you want p2p to take in the future, and what inisights you have in building a dream peer to peer client. That would be intresting reading.

Like fast tracks multi windowed client they spoke of on the fast track web site as being up and coming soon. What innovations would it have brought? Lastly what did happen to it or the idea of it?

Sorry if my last post may have seemed insulting. I was just ranting off on my feelings about kazaa and co. I didnt like how they squished gift, and offered crap all for linux.
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