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Old 23-05-02, 12:15 AM   #15
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 209

Welcome to napsterites jaan.

I just want to extend a thankyou for being part of a group of programmers behind the scenes that stood up and said no!

When Niklas wanted to start bundling the cydoor and all that extra junk.

(just being an ass. sorry.)

But I do want to say Niklas Janus maybe nice guys but they are more on the side of greedy nit wit status.

They also seemed to take all the credit for the work the underlings did.

I think KaZaA was the first real p2p titanic. For allot of it I would blame the captain.

Look at the rankyou example. A company starts a web page where people can pay to sign up for a secret club that would tell them about and let them download this amazing program.

So people gave club pie thier credit card numbers, and once inside they found out it was kazaa. They could have got it for free from the kazaa web site. lol

What is sader, is KaZaA did squat to stop them from ripping people off. Even though users complained, and complained, kazaa remained quite.

Why? Because KaZaA was partnered with Jamie leisure through advertising with was a little side project of

Any way good laughs, but thats about it for kazaa. The linux project, the mac version, the company on a whole. One big joke.

I hope Niklas has better luck on his next endevors.
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