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Old 21-05-02, 12:57 PM   #1
butterfly_kisses's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 138
Exclamation KaZaA Lies about the number of users it has online *the Proof*

hi everyone....maybe you don't remember this but i do...KaZaA used to use a nifty little javascript counter that used cookies to make it look like they had a lot of downloads going on that they don't actually have....

this is a shrewd business move to get investors but not very good move for credibility

Here is that page that they forgot to take down :

Please note: you must have javascript enabled to view the counters and you must be using some version of internet explorer particuliar versions 5 and higher

Watch the counter for a little clear your cookies and cache either manually or however you want to do reload the page...notice that the counter Resets the count?

of course they lie and as Nicobie says, "the proof is in the pudding"

the 400,000 users you see when the counter is "broken" is actually the actual real number and the counter is "not broken" when you see this...its working correctly but their "spin guys" will

tell you otherwise...

if this gets too much attention EXPECT this link to go down and be dead soon

For those like Ethen with some knowlege of counters and scripts perhaps he or Dumwaldo can explain this trick better than i can.

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