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Old 17-05-02, 01:17 PM   #1
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Crazy WinMX 3.1 Bitch List

Uh, yeah, I'm an ass, so I'll start a bitch list on the new version already. This is off the top of my head. Here's what I don't like about the new version:

It seems less configurable than before, especially in important areas such as number of simultaneous connections, time between connections, et al.

When a connection on a network times out, it WILL NOT automatically attempt to reconnect. In this way, it's even worse than the one at a time manual connections in low-cap using 2.6. At least THOSE would reconnect, or try to.

You have to get your cursor in that little nth of a CH between the last network and the gray area in order to drag up and highlight the whole list. The reason this has to be done is, obviously, because of no "Connect All" feature.

I like the color codes inside the search, such as matches local incomplete file, etc., but there is no color for results in the search that have finished downloading after you selected them - they just turn back to white. Likewise, there is also no code for one that you started and is now incomplete. This to some may seem a pissy complaint, but hey, not everyone spends every second in the transfer window.

I'm sure there are more things, but I can't see them right now SINCE I'M RUNNING 2.6 INSTEAD. Right now I'm in a middle of the road session - connected to 29 servers with a little over .8 EB available on OpenNap. However, that's more than I can hope for using 3.1 and having anything approaching an nth of convenience. Don't get me wrong, there are some pluses with the new vers, but I'm not completely sold on it - maybe since I'm on dial-up and mutisourcing means Jack Shit to me. Hopefully the guys at Frontcode, who have worked very hard, can get things situated (perhaps a 3.2 sometime soon? ).

Feel free to rant (in related fashion) below.
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