Thread: KaZaA News
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Old 16-05-02, 11:09 AM   #2
JackSpratts's Avatar
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expect the riaa to do as much as possible to derail any and all attempts at a resolution of this particular issue, (already posted btw by walktalker etc.)

in canada for instance the proposal getting the most attention is the misguided levy tax on blank media with the monies going to socan or something like it.

anything that doesn't pour huge funds into the record companies' pockets and still allow them complete control over copying technologies will be fought against tooth and nail. it's like internet radio; the record companies want it shut down. failing that they want it taxed beyond practicality so that only the largest players can afford airtime. when done of course, the record companies themselves will be the only ones able to afford to use the internet to broadcast music, since the sky-high preventive streaming fees will go right back into their own pockets! when the net replaces over the air radio, the record companies will have succeeded in gaining control of this first new major broadcast medium in 60 years, and by judicial fiat no less. perhaps it will destroy a few congressional seat holders’ jobs in the process, or at least by abet some career suicides but so what? it's not their problem. finally, expect to see a push for laws that make it illegal for amateur musicians to opt out of these draconian arrangements so as to prevent a second channel able to compete against these newly established monopolies.

it's just about control. it's all the record companies want and they want all of it.

- js.
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