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Old 11-05-02, 03:17 PM   #2
yea, it's me.
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Want a whopping 170GB hard drive?
Fujitsu has developed new hard drive technology that may help to stem the expected slowdown in the rate of growth for hard drive capacity. Manufacturers have been able to double the capacity of hard drives over the past 4 to 5 years. But as the gigabytes stack up, analysts and industry insiders are expecting the overall growth rate to slow as technological limitations take hold. To prevent this, hard drive makers are working to test the boundaries of storage capacity. Fujitsu's hardware, the company says, incorporates "sensitive" technology that can read more data off hard drive platters inside the drive where data is stored.

<heehee> I'd LOVE one BUT good grief, I betcha it'd take a good two weeks to do a ScanDisk and another 2 1/2 to Defrag'g that big mamma-jamma

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