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Old 10-05-02, 04:58 PM   #1
Madame Comrade
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Thanks again, WT - excellent work as usual!

Originally posted by walktalker
Jupiter Analyst, RIAA Trade Barbs Over P2P Findings
The industry group representing the five major music labels this week blasted a Jupiter Media Metrix report on peer-to-peer file sharing, issuing its own data to "refute" Jupiter's conclusion that Internet song-swapping, on balance, is good for the music industry. Jupiter reported in late April that experienced online song-swappers are more likely to buy new music than average music fans, not less. The data was culled from a June 2001 survey of more than 3,000 adult online music listeners.
This is getting interesting...

The analyst noted that it is unusual for the RIAA to take on a single research report in so public a manner. "I've never seen it before," he said. But he said he can guess why it happened.

"I think I struck a nerve," he said. "I think the RIAA more than anything right now is threatened from a credibility standpoint. Consumers feel like the record labels are not acting in their best interests, and the RIAA tried to pull a smokescreen by blaming declining files on file sharing. We came out with some very solid data that disputes that claim."
- tg
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