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Old 10-05-02, 03:58 PM   #8
butterfly_kisses's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 138

Why is this an important discovery?

A couple of uses that I'm aware of include:

1)somebody has a rare file you really want and they wait until you've downloaded almost 90% of a file then they cut you off. If you are a h@><or you can get the ip and use a port scanner to scan the last octet in their ip address...making note of files they are sharing and if they change their username@kazaa all you gotta do is run your portscanner looking for port 1214 and bingo you can find him/her again (there are futher advanced techniques i'm not gonna go into for obvious reasons]

2)People trying to reverse engineer the fasttrack network and understand how the supernodes/clients communicate with one another may find this inforamtion useful. The key here is that KaZaA associates an ip address with the username. This is how file searches and queries are done.

3)A program from reportedly enables you to send instant messages to someone whose Username@KaZaA you know. This information might be helpful in further developing that application or to improve the messaging feature currently available on the fasttrack clients eg., [b]give you the ability to type in anyone's username@KaZaA and send them and instant message (regardless as to whether or not you were downloading from them).

4)R.I.A.A. and other copyright agencies or groups might find it helpful in tracking you down for prosecution.

Last edited by butterfly_kisses : 10-05-02 at 06:57 PM.
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