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Old 10-05-02, 03:36 PM   #6
butterfly_kisses's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 138
Exclamation Tutorial #2

Unanonymity and KaZaA

special thanks to Scyth for his help with this tutorial

How to find someone's ip address from their Username@KaZaA

In order to successfully complete this tutorial it is first necessary to read the KaZaA Out of The Underworld thread particuliar the tutorial section dealing with the kazaadebug.log

I will touch briefly on this method once again (credit to Scyth for this info). First go into the directory where your kazaa.exe program is located. Next create an empty plain-text (ascii) text file
called kazaadebug.log

Next double-click on the kazaa.exe to run it (note that the log will not record debugging information if the kazaa.exe is started in another manner e.g., through a "shortcut" key or a link on the desktop or "quicklaunch" it has to manually be double-clicked for the debug log to record sucessfully.)

Then just search for whatever you are looking for. In this example the file "spiderman" + "gonutz" were the key words used under video files >All to search for. Once I found what I wanted I just double-clicked on the filename that showed up in the search results to begin my download.

After you download a portion or for however long you wish to download for when you are down downloading close kazaa.

Now go into the folder where you made the empty text file called kazaadebug.log

Open it up with a text-editor like Notepad or the very excellent EditPadClassic. Now look for something

similiar to the examples below:

Download: (smr)Spiderman.avi New connection t_dog@KaZaA 0-174180352/174180352 to 187f471c:1214

Download: (smr)Spiderman.avi New connection xnylived@KaZaA 0-174180352/174180352 to 4123d055:1214

Download: (smr)Spiderman.avi source xnylived@KaZaA 4123d055:1214 overloaded, retry 300

Download: (smr)Spiderman.avi source zerosmarts@KaZaA c0a80164:1214 overloaded, retry 300

In the first example #1 we see a username of t_dog@KaZaA followed by a series of numbers

0-174180352/174180352 to 187f471c:1214

the part that says to 187f471c:1214

is the part we want. The 1214 identifies it to us as being an ip address. The ip address that
corresponds to that particuliar username.

But you say: "I typed that into my browser window and nothing happened." Exactly nothing will
happen until you decode the ip address.

Right now what you are looking at the 187f471c is called a "hexadecimal value" to convert it to a
form that you and i can understand it is necessary to change it from a "hexadecimal value" to a
Dword or (double-word) value.

To do this we will need windows calculator. Goto Start>Programs>Accessories>Calculator

While in Calculator choose View>Scientic which will look like this:

Make sure that "hex" is selected and enter the value for ip address (in hexadecimal form) that you wish
to "decode".

Now all you have to do to get the Dword value is just to check the circle that says "Dec" which
stands for Decimal.

Do it and you should have something that looks like this now:

This should give you the following value 410994460

[so the d-word value of 187f471c is 410994460]

Next step:

Goto this address:

and type 410994460 into the box that says Dword value Then press <Enter> and
it will translate the d-word value into an ip address for you that you can now enter into
a webbrowser formatted like this where "" is an ip address or
the result returned from following the instructions in this text.

In this example the 410994460 turned out to be this ip address:

Buh-buh- bhwah , i can change my username to anything i want to right? yep and your ip address gets updated in realtime by the supernodes you are connected to.

End of Tutorial.

Don't abuse this (try the other three for yourselves and let me know what you get)


-Harbynger (of D00m)
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