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Old 09-05-02, 06:52 PM   #16
butterfly_kisses's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 138
muhaaaa moving right along then.....

first my apologies to all who rely on me for their information concerning fasttrack and the continuing events at kazaa.

what you read here...a lot of it will be unpolished meaning you won't always find fancy words or descriptions here...sometimes you will just see me "doodling" or "taking notes" this thread is kind of like a repository for my ideas and hopefully for the ideas of others of you too.

I know that there are quite a few of you who possess some firsthand knowledge of these clients (kazaa/oldMorpheus/Grokster) some of you helped to work on the applications themselves performing different tasks..some of you were also put out of work by the morpheus shutdown. it would be nice if some of you PM me with information on the network you'd now like to share as a form of "revenge"

Now a little rant:

Okay we(we here represents "the people") have cracked DeCsS (the encryption for DVD's) we've cracked the RS5 (damn i get the version wrong...all the time) encryption....but when it comes to kazaa, [sarcasm]nope, that's WAY TO HARD![/sarcasm]

lol, fancier encryption algorithyms have been cracked, DeCss has been cracked so why not KaZaA? we just need a few motivated and talented/interested people to do it who will share their knowledge.

Remember to these elite few who possess the knowledge and abilities above those of their "fellow men" this task is nothing to most of them and to some of them they could care less about changing the icons in kazaa the true joy for them comes in opening up the protection on a "locked box" (in this case the lock is the protection scheme on a program) for them they take pleasure in outsmarting someone else...their motto "if it can be encrypted it can be unencrypted" to these people i salute you.
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