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Old 09-05-02, 05:22 PM   #6
OpenNap Server Operator
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Posts: 401
Brows Winmx Beta 9-10

Yes, strange state of affairs, they leave us a month then again TWO issues come out following each other...?

Trouble is, what ever reason 9 was superseeded for, 10 is still no better, OK they have sorted the OPennap server activity listing so the operational ones rise to the top of the list, and they seem to have addressed the rediculous high queueing number 1410000
range number that appears on first attempt at a busy queueing.

The old favourite massive crash is STILL there when you try to stop a search list, or are careless sorting the columns.

The worse thing of all, for US but not the RIAA is that Uploads to other clients work OK, but you try to get a download working, especially to another Beta 10 client ...

No, looks like its more of the same, and back to 2.6 for a few more months, which is a shame because the version 3.00 OpenNap connect is similar to AudioGnome, very fast and easy to manage.

The generation of WSX files too has been cleaned up giving you an option to select the servers you wish to export to a WSX list and it looks like the fraudulant use of the WSX priority to spam others with PORN has too be trapped..

Back to the very large drawing board lads, nice try, but not there yet ...

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