Thread: dns2go issues?
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Old 09-05-02, 12:44 AM   #2
Just Draggin' Along
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dns2go may have had a hiccup.

I have been unable to connect to dns2go since this morning.

Interesting, my inability to connect to dns2go occurred after a reboot - after removing backdoor.trojan someone generously gave me.

The trojan didn't do anything - it was caught.

Third time in last couple of weeks a virus or other fine offering was sent my way - I must have pissed someone off.
Copyright means the copy of the CD/DVD burned with no errors.

I will never spend a another dime on content that I can’t use the way I please. If I can’t copy it to my hard drive and play it using the devices I want, when and where I want, I won’t be buying it. Period. They can all take their DRM, broadcast flags, rootkits, and Compact Discs that aren’t really compact discs and shove them up their bottom-lines.
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