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Old 08-05-02, 11:02 AM   #2
yea, it's me.
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Screwy eewwwwwwwwww

Interesting indeed.

Kentuckey Fried Brain anyone? That was quite a read!

The WHOLE clip has me scratching to some extent but this snippet almost balded me:


And on the copying and fair use front, Hemming is lobbying Congress for an Intellectual Property Use Fee to settle the quandary of responsibility for distributing copyrighted material. The proposal calls for charging ISPs a fee to compensate copyright holders.

The IPUF would be a "universal levy that would be applied to everyone in the value chain that benefited from the content available" on the Kazaa network, Hemming says.

Does ANYone else find this just a bit of overkill?

So let me get this straight - say Grandmom Harris never touched a file sharing program in her 90 years.......SHE is going to have to pay a TAX too??!!! OR what if Granny uses <gulp> a WebTV or other internet applicance and CAN'T use a file sharing tool??

"Someone" really needs to get off the crack pipe.

edited for typo
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