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Old 05-05-02, 10:25 PM   #2
butterfly_kisses's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 138

Personally, I'm excited about this and look forward to it jack.
initially i hated the idea but let's look at it from a different angle:

a)what good has come out of the ALTNET project?

a1)The problem with disappearing downloads resulting from a browser crash or hang has been fixed.

only one major bug (no i've not mentioned it here) remains and that is when you go into tools>options and look at the settings for or under "firewall" it disconnects you from the KaZaA network

okay that is one advantage what are the others?

b2)In order to establish and keep a stronger user-base KaZaA has begun updated their clients more often and adding better features (sure they come with a lot of extra surprises, some nice and some not-so-nice but the computer literate and savvy know better than to click on the and bonzi buddy features...honestly you'd think they would consider this [i]compromising the security of the ALTnet network along with those of the regular fasttrack p2p network or just plain old "kazaa" to put it simply.

c3)The whole ALTNET scandal/controversy has shed so much more light on the p2p world and made for some very interesting reading almost maybe on par with the likes of the The Young and The REstLess and As the PC Turns to name a few.
We've learned that its a lowdown dirty shame but it is a business however flawed the revenue model seems to be it is in our advantage for them [Sharman Networks] to pull this off.

Now the Con's

A1)Nikki Hemming has been trying to get a bill passed (in congress if my memory holds up correctly) that will impose a "tax or levy" on broadband customers through their ISP's

The reasoning behind this: "they are gonna steal anyway...all broadband user's are crooks and thieves so let's make them pay for it in advance that way our liability is gone and the RIAA/Mpaa are satisfied and we've reached an agreement to compensate the artists?

There was another point but I think this bad one speaks volumes in and of its self...

Now then on to hacking and reversing the client and its technology

This will shed maybe a little more light on the fasttrack protocol for us by the very nature that the components to run the Altnet network are being downloaded in bits piecse e.g., dll's (dynamic link library's which means they can be set-up and used by other applications besides the original program [the Altnet] that they were intended for.

Now then for anyone who is a true hacker or programmer out there go get you a copy of the latest IMESH version 3.1

Use a setup monitor to monitor the installation ...if you want use a startup monitor to monitor changes made to your registry upon rebooting...use filemon/regmon whatever...but the important part for you is this

open up a dll called AppManager.dll and you will see information pertaining to the fasttrack network....this may offer some clue as to portability (import/export calls to ?whatever? [remember i'm not a programmer just an idea man ;O)
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