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Old 04-05-02, 02:38 PM   #7
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Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 17

"what amazes me are the steps they didn't take to protect themselves from the loss of ft. they could've had another app and a whole new ultra high speed proprietary network ready and waiting for roll-out if the day came when they needed it, with a million people and xmillion files eager to jump on. they could've cleanly broken from kazaa and gone independent and taking a page from ft, sold their code to other companies too. they coulda been a contender... "

Jack: You and I think alike my friend!

I am amazed by thier major tactical errors. You are right, they had plenty of time to hire some programmers who could have written another network and instantly had millions of people switch to it. It would have turned the p2p world upside down.

Instead they released some piece of garbage that even the original developer says is outdated. He's moved on to better versions, streamcast ripped off his old work.

Do you know what even amazes me more? (rant begin)

Does anyone remember that back in December they sent an e-mail to the user base inviting them to wait on Morpheus 2.0 which would be released in 2 weeks?

What happened to that version?

Where they actually working on it?

I think not. If they were, they would have been more prepared when they were kicked off the fasttrack network.

I agree, they have no programmers, now no users.

Napster was shut down by the RIAA
Morpheus was shut down by their own stupidity.

(Rant over)

Great Forum!
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